Saturday, March 5, 2011

Her & her moods

In so many words or less...women are moody! The reason they are moody is because...that's just the way that they were wired. If I honestly knew the answer, I would tell everyone, but I only have a hypothesis. The reason that they are so moody is because of how they think. The world that's going on in her head, in some form or another, is a reflection of what's going on outside her head....not the case. We, as men, know that, but they don't. Their perception of what's going on is based on their thoughts.

I've noticed that my wife, has a moody day every 3-4 days. I've noticed it, written it down, monitored it, recorded it, analyzed it, hypothesized, everything. In short, just to keep it simple...every 3-4 days I can expect her to be in a mood and I not know why. It's life, women are just moody. I know I get what I expect, but I'm thinking that the moodiness may be a some law that can't be reversed. I could be wrong about the law, but as far as the moodiness...I don't think so.

In conclusion, all women are not created equal, but the problems and issues are! With a small exception of a few issues, typically, most married men have had some of the same or similar issues. Don't believe me, ask around!

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