Saturday, January 29, 2011

Truth vs. Honesty

I titled this blog with words that have similar meanings....but I've learned in the marriage world, these are 2 different things. I will proved examples of these 2 words so that the differences can be noted.


Your wife is wearing a less than flattering outfit. In fact, she's trying it on in the store. She's standing, smiling, in love with what she has on because she believes it's the most beautiful thing she's worn all day. Your opinion: it looked a hot mess.

Your response are along these lines:

You: Sweety, I don't know about this one....I don't think that it accentuates your beautiful features.

Her: Well sweety I like it!

You: Well babe, honestly, I don't like it that much. I think that we should keep looking and put this in the maybe pile, but I know the next thing you try on is goin' look really nice on you!

How simple was that? In fact, you had to announce that you were gonna' be honest. Granted you thought it was a hot mess, but still you didn't tell her that. This scenario was best played with honesty!

You were out at a friends house for guys night out. There's a few of you there, doing what guys do. Someone in the group decides that the party should relocate the to a place where there's a pool table. SO the party moves to a bar. You didn't call her right away to tell her. She's at home, watching movies, doing what ladies do, letting her mind get the best of her. She decides to call you, you pick up, she hears noise and commotion. She asks you where you are, you tell her you're at the pool hall, she asks you why you aren't at your friends house. You explain the situation, you end the conversation with an "I'll be home soon, see you when I get there". You hang up the phone, you go back to hanging with the guys.

Later that night you go in to the house, you take off those clothes, get in bed and she's already playin' sleep (some ladies will actually be sleep). You're in bed now, covers up to your neck, you face her, she makes her sleepy noises, and you think that everything is ok.

the questioning:

her: how was your night?

You: It was good, we had fun.

Her: Oh....well...that's did you enjoy playing pool?

You: It was good/bad....I only won 1 game.....

Her: So how did yall end up at the pool hall? Who's idea was it?

You: Eddie's

Her: Ok

You hit her with a good night and if she lets you sleep, that's where it ends.

The next day she asks the same questions, here's where truth comes in: IF you change anything in that story, from last night to the next morning, she will know. She remembers all the details, how you said, what you said....everything! You be sure to tell her everything that happened! There are something that you might wanna' leave out, especially if it's a lie! But she will have you repeat your story more than 2x. The more you repeat yourself, the more you will add to the story. Even if it's a "then", "you know", anything along those lines. If it sounds fishy to her, she will have you repeat the story again and again until she believes you're not lying or until you get emotional enough to stop talking. But she will try you.


the soft blow of the truth. Not hard enough to cause extreme pisstivity (but it still can) but enough to get the point across.


the story, exactly how it happened, holding no punches (limited necessary punches in some cases) clear and concise facts.

that's the difference. Try your best not to confuse them. Don't get caught in this trap:

"Tell me truth, I won't get upset" it's a trap. I'll talk more about the traps later.

Learn and pay attention to the situations requiring truth and honesty

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