Thursday, March 3, 2011

being sorry

Guys, no matter what you do. You will say you're sorry way more than a woman. I find that a lot of the time, we do mess up. The mess up comes from misunderstanding her. Sometime, we get mixed signals and when we think we understand....we don't. We don't know until we've done something wrong. It's almost like thinking you're doing good, when all in all, you're efforts are good, but your actions are crap! It happens to us all. Even if you're doing "good" in your eyes don't expect a pat on the back. It's not very likely to happen.

Another reason why you say "I'm sorry" more is because there are things that really don't your opinion. But to her, it makes her sleep better at night, knowing that she wasn't wrong. You will say "I'm sorry" to do her a favor and do you one. Saying it will also allow for there to be some peace. Once she believes that she's right, nothing else matters. The argument, conversation, discussion, is over. She may talk for a little while longer, but you don't have to say much. In fact, some people go into auto-pilot and just nod and not listen. To sum it up, it can keep the peace.

A major reason we say "I'm sorry" more than they do, is because you're always wrong. Even when you're right...your wrong. IF you don't believe me ask your father. Anyone who is married to a're wrong. I would also put Chris Rock down as a reference. Any stand up talking about marriage...he's spittin' the truth!

And thus..."I'm sorry" a common phrase, but women eventually get tired of the "I'm sorry"s I believe it's because they don't say it enough....even when they quickly they forget! So make sure you throw in a: "I apologize, I was wrong" or a "You're right!" or a "I misjudged, I made a mistake". These are good too. Mix 'em up though.

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