Friday, January 14, 2011

understanding communication


to elaborate more on communication....when women give you that dreaded "we need to talk" intro....believe it's something coming behind.

Now, here's what's really good. Phase 1: The woman has processed it and decided to say something. Here's the breakdown of the word "process" in this case: That means she's tried to show you, give you clues, hint it to you, leave you a preverbial sign, and a few other tactics...those weren't working. We don't get them....most of time, we're not understanding these things aside, "she's acting weird" or "why is she being so attitudal". We totally miss the hint.

So after all that fails, it's time to go on to phase 2. The thinking phase. Now, she's been thinking about it more and more while you're doing whatever you're doing to miss the signs. She's thinking....and thinking herself further down into the thought world. As she thinks, things for her, in her thought process seem to be worst than they are.

Time for phase 3: here's where we come in....the talk! That's where it is. By the time its gotten to us, it seems so bad. She has held it for so long and now, you're like....why didn't you say anything sooner. She's tried to non-verbally communicate with you, but she isn't speaking our language. So, we missed it. After the talk, we're surprised because she's held on to it for so long and it's so much. Typically, she's pretty emotional at this point and you might even be as well. But now, the air is clear.

What confuses women...maybe that's not the right word....what rocks them is that, we typically don't have much to say after they pour out their hearts. We look, hug, and then they ask us if we wanna say anything after they've talked for about and hour or more....and we say nope! They're caught off guard. Some women might even ask if we have feelings about it. We say what we're gonna' say and that's it. It maybe 5 or 6 most 10 in many cases. But that's the wow factor for them...they've talked almost an hour+ and you've said what you did in a fraction of what they did.

You hug, you get up, and then in many cases, I'm not saying this is me now, but then you forget what the conversation was about and are back on to whatever you were doing before the talk happened.

For us guys, we process a little different. In many cases, we think about it here and there and then we evaluate the key things. So, it takes us a little longer to apply the necessary things that will make the requested changes. It may take 2 or 3 days maybe even a week...but we get it. And sometimes, we even have to hear a couple of times before we get it, but eventually we do.

And that's how we the near future...I will beak us down so that we can be better understood by the ladies.

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